Sunday, August 21, 2011

What does Being sponsored Mean by a Supplement Co?

I really want to write and tell you about athlete sponsorship.  What does it mean when youre sponsored by a company, wether its supplements, clothing brands or salons?  What should you expect?  What should the company expect from you?  Are you getting paid?  Or are you just being used.....
Im going to talk from an athlete's point of view.  When you are an elite athlete, supplementation is a way of life.  There isnt a time of the year were you dont take BCAA's, Multivitamins, Fish Oils, Glutamine just to name a few.  This gets very costly as supplements arent cheap.  Especially the ones that are Pharmaceutical Grade and work.  Every athlete works hard for their PRO Card, and were always training hard, marketing ourselves and reading up on new formulas or trying new diets out to see what works best for us. Were always trying new supplements also, cos each time research proves one protein is better than the other.

When Supplement companies can see an athlete has a great physique, do well in competitions, markets themselves professionally, has the ability to be able to sell their product to the market and help along the way is when they get noticed.  And could be offered SPONSORSHIP.

Sponsorship is when a company takes you on board with their team, as an athlete and get ALL YOUR PRODUCTS FOR FREE.  No discounts, No half prices, No money at all.  You market yourself with their Company and in return promote their products to the target market.  That way you have a champion with a professional support team and its win win both ways.  You will be the face for the brand and its in your favour to hold on to your sponsorship by working hard and proving that product is the best on the market.  Advertising on your website, FB, My space, Twitter, organising stalls at expos, signing photos at the store, sharing your tips and opinions on products, etc etc.  The list goes on.  So much can happen when 2 heads are working together.

When somebody says to you they will sponsor you next time, ask them, what the deal is before you sign up cos if you get caught in a contract, it could take you to court.

Ive had a few experiences with supplement companies and their sponsorships and the good news I announced on my FB wall was about this............. ;)

I am proud to announce that I have been sponsored by MUSCLEFORCE in Nicosia, who are the National  distributors for SAN NUTRITION, ALLMAX, SNI, MET RX, NOW, HARBINGER & these are to name just a few.  I received ALL MY SUPPLEMENTS for FREE, my accessories and huge warm welcome.  Like a family, the way it should be.
All my clients will be looked after and would be happy to meet all of you in the store for any advice you need on Supplements.
Just remember, YOU shouldnt pay a PENNY when youre SPONSORED, and if you do pay, your just a customer with a discount, not a SPONSORED ATHLETE ;)

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